
Thursday 30 January 2014

Testimony: Giving pays

Praise God of Global Impact Church

I want to appreciate God for His Faithfulness and showers of blessings. I made a terrible mistake last year with my project seeds and tithes;I was not committed to it . I experienced dryness in my business but resolved never to make such mistakes again. I renewed my commitment this year; though not an easy one but willingly sacrified for my project seeds and tithes.

Its been awesome !! After the fasting in January, doors of great opportunities have been opened to me . God has been so faithful; delivered me from death and given me so much peace. I want to use this medium to encourage every entrepreneur growing a business to commit sowing seeds towards church projects if they want to experience the unimaginable..

I bless God for Pastor Yemi and all the pastorate of the church...

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